Tuesday, July 24, 2012


Can we just take the ass-hole that shot up the movie theater in Colorado,  tie him to a pole in the town square,  dump a big pile of eqq sized stones near,  and let anyone who wants to just chuck a stone at him.  Hopefully, it will take a while to actually finish him off,  so he gets the full effect of terror that he inflicted on his victims.  That would not be a tradgedy.

Sooner or later we should consider harsher and swifter punishment.

What is the reasoning behind 413 (or so) years sentence for the child molester?  He's certainly not gonna fill that sentence.  Why do we need to fund the rest of his life behind bars for?  Really,  lets put him on the other side of the post in the town square.

Cruel?  Probably.  So were the crimes perpetrated by these nut jobs.  Would stoning be a better deterrant than a room with bars and amenities?  I think it might.

The cost of housing law breakers exceeds the amount an equal number of law abiding people earn.  What's up with that?  If we gotta house them,  a 5 X 5 foot cell would do just fine.  If we remember to feed them,  thats OK.  If we forget every now and then,  thats OK too.

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