Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Shocking Results

Recently, I have been interested in some of these Senate and House investigative sessions.  I am amazed at the waste of time and money that they are.  Person after person that is called to appear before these committees blatantly refuses to answer questions. Admittedly, the questions are framed in a way to attempt to garner the answer that the particular questioner seeks.  Often those sought after answers are to further a political agenda. So, I would ask.  What earthly good is expected from these sessions?  Why are these investigations not backed by some power to elicit answers or pay a penalty to have the truth known.  Lets hold these people in contempt and toss their ass in jail until they decide to be forthcoming.

It is beyond my wildest dreams to think that Senators or Congresspersons could set aside their absurd political agendas in an effort to actually seek the truth.  That is almost as absurd as thinking that persons in front of these committees would actually answer with any remote sense of the truth.I continue to believe that in most cases that someone refusing to answer a question is most likely not willing to have the truth known.  I also find it strange when the common answer is "I do not recall", but, at times they can recite dates and times and great detail about happenings from some time gone by.

This whole process is suspect.  These people are supposed to be intelligent and dedicated to the maintaining of our Country and the people of it.  Such childish behavior.  Such self serving and sneaky behavior.  The whole group are pathological liars.  When on the question asking side of the room, their pompous behavior is despicable.  Yet, when on the answering side of the room, they become that arrogant, non-answering, poor memory ass that they showed such contempt for.  AMAZING!

Here's my answer......a jury of common citizens with the power to incarcerate unwilling witnesses.  Throw in a little shock therapy if it suits them.  Shocking results to follow.

Monday, June 5, 2017


Had another Doctor visit recently.  I have a new Cardiologist and I like him.  He walked in the room and immediately said "I see your still fat."  I wish I could be angry with him but I have always been capable of respecting the truth.

Good news is, I'm pretty sure he thinks I have at least 6 months left because he made me another appointment for 6 months from that visit!


Have you ever thought about this?

When I get dressed, I put my right leg into my underwear first then my left (hopefully without falling down).  Then I put my head into the opening on my TEE shirt then my left arm and then right.  I always put my right leg into my pants first, my left sock on first and my right shoe on first.  I put both shoes on then stand and put my right foot on the seat to tie it then my left.  I put them up on the seat because I can no longer bend over long enough to tie shoes without running out of breath. If its cold outside, I put my left arm then my right arm into my sweatshirt before pulling it down over my head.  Top it off with a "baseball" cap and I am good to go.

I repeat this without any changes.  Creature of habit we are (spoken like Yoda).

I love pie.

So, I have been brainwashed.  I turn on Facebook every couple nights.  I have found it a reasonable way to see what friends and family are up to.  I am terrible at finding time to spend with them.  So I have reverted to checking in the "Cloud" for my information.  I do miss the personal nature of face to face meetings, but, I have become too busy (lazy, really) to make contact.  Unlike when I was younger, I simply run out of energy earlier.

 I am troubled by a lot of what I see on Facebook.  The proliferation of new "News" sources is a point of concern. I have read a number of articles (Not on the inner-web) describing the practice of  posting outrageous headlines under a variety of "News" source banners simply to create readership to garner advertising revenue.  There is a name for the practice, but, I cannot remember what it is.  The gist of it is that the web is rife with made up shit that a large number of people are taking as factual.  We seem to have lost our ability to sense bullshit when confronted with preposterous writings.  It appears that we have created a great divide among readers of this tripe.  Most of the division has become "political" in nature.  I read comments with my jaw dropped onto my chest.  People that I believe are intelligent are caught up in this epic battle of who did what to who.  There has become no middle ground, no compromise, no working together to achieve common goals.  Things are simply good or bad based on a Party affiliation.  These intelligent people truly believe that right or wrong depends on the party affiliation.  Holy crap!

Now I will admit that I am certainly not a Trump fan. (Now this is where the internet deems me a Hilary supporter), and I am certainly not a Hilary supporter.  I am a believer that once elected, your mission becomes finding  the best way to serve the public.  It turns my stomach to watch partisan politics being played at the expense of the people that expect better of their elected officials.  It takes an idiot to think that only their Party has the answers to all things important.

Trump supporters mystify me.  They seem blind to his stupid behavior and believe all the dim witted noise made by him.  Do they not watch him attempt to speak?  Have you not read from his twitter account?  His behavior seems to be that of someone lost as to the root of his job.  I am not a fan of a "Wall" along our southern border,  a total dismantling of Health Care with no idea how to improve it, a massive increase in Military spending when we are so deeply in debt, a Tax break of 60% for Corporations when we are so deeply in debt, continued spending on "pork" because that's just stealing from the taxpayers, and, exhibiting a total lack of respect to science and the environment.

I have disagreed with many actions of past Presidents.  But, all  of my years I have never witnessed the complete disintegration of civility that exists today.  I will find fault in our political process.  I was raised to look upon leaders of our country with respect and a belief that they somehow were acting for our benefit.  The past few elections and the resulting campaigns have taught our population that the way to get ahead is to denigrate your opponent.  Make up the vilest crap you can about your opponent and paint them as the most despicable person imaginable.  Create an atmosphere of hate for the opposition.  Do not, under any circumstance, address issues that have a bearing on the reality of daily life for the bulk of the population.  Promise completely fabricated impossible items, like lowering taxes while spending more money while raising the National Debt.  Sadly, there are voters that buy into this crap.

I did not vote for Mr. Trump, but wait, I did not vote for Mrs. Clinton either.  What?  Not Vote?  That's un-American!  That means you have no room to complain!  To that, I say,  kiss my you  know what.  By not supporting a person that I deem unfit to be President, I have exercised my rights to not be forced to do something against my will.  It is a beautiful thing to live in a country that allow you the freedom to express yourself.  Put it this way.  If you offer me Peach pie or Rhubarb pie, I will decline.  That does not mean I don't like pie, rather that I choose not to like Peach or Rhubarb.  I love pie, but only certain kinds.  I have a right to choose which Pie or which Politician I like.  I will not eat Pie that I dislike and I will not vote for a Politician I dislike.