Saturday, June 30, 2012


Did you ever have a period in life that it seems like you just cannot catch up?  Occasionally, life flies past at an ever increasing pace and you loose your breath attempting to catch up.  The past month has been one of those roller coaster rides that alternately takes your breath away and then scares the crap out of you. A mixture of constant surprises and surprising levels of heartache.
What helps all of us through periods like this are the relationships (support system) we have nurtured over the years.  Fortunately I have a strong support system.  When you experience heartache, for whatever reason, lean on the support you have at your side.
Make sure you constantly add to your support and make sure you support those in your group.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Thats whats wrong with Kids these days!

After reading my new Blog,  my sister-in-law commented that I sounded just like my Dad.  At this time that may not be a good thing.  My 86 year old Dad has become somewhat "negative" in his views and constantly uses the phrase "That's whats wrong with kids these days."  So my sister-in-law,  we will use Pam for her name, because her name is Pam, struck a note that made me think.  Growing up my Dad was my hero and role model.  I wanted to be like my Dad.  He is smart, talented, funny and loving even if he hid the latter most of the time.  What I hadn't planned for was the eventuality that I might  entertain some of his less desireable qualities. Never the less,  Dad is still Dad and my opinions may mirror his mood if not his thoughts.  I think that at some point in life we reach a stage where we have studied things long enough that we generate a philosophy that demands we speak our mind.  Granted some minds are sharper than others. Did I mention I always wanted to be like Dad?

Friday, June 22, 2012

Political Science

We have an election coming this November.  I wonder who really "elects" our politicians.  The machinery that controls our political system seems like black art at it's finest.  Something new that has surfaced recently are "Super Pacs".  It appears that mystery persons with tons of money to throw away are gaining more control each day.  Candidates convieniently have no connection to these groups,  but are happy to let them do the dirty work.  These groups create all manner of stupid, insulting, and childish advertisements in an attempt to discredit the preferred candidate's opponent.  Apparently, the candidate of choice has little to merit attention or has no ability to stand on his / her merits.

I have gotten a chuckle out of current campaigns.  There is an old saying that states something like "If you don't have anything good to say......just shut up"!  I for one already know most candidates are useless putzes with little incentive to actually take care of the best interests of the people they were elected to speak for.  Government by the politicians, for the politicians.  Crap,  I got a load of stuff to vent about when it comes to political science.  Maybe later.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Driving Blind

I'm pretty sure it is illegal (against the law) to text and drive, at least in Indiana.  So, I sure am glad the Auto makers are now installing miniature TV screens in their vehicles so we will not get bored with the simple task of navigating a 4000 pound vehicle at a high rate of speed amongst dozens of others that might be pre-occupied with their miniature TV screens.  We have seemingly become a population that is bored with something so mundane as driving.  Heck fire, some of us now need vehicles that can park themselves.  At least we don't have to stop looking at the TV!

I think we could just get an APP that shows us the way from point A to point B with detailed overviews of whats at that destination and then we wouldn"t even have to put down our phones to screw with a car.   I grew up in an era that enjoyed driving a car.  I still enjoy the trip from A to B.  And most of the time I can get there without TOMTOM.  Crap,  I can still park the dad gum contraption ALL BY MYSELF!!!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

China my ass

So, I'm in the shower and I happen to notice that my new shower head, the one that is attached to a hose so you can spray...... never mind.  The dad gum thing says made in CHINA. When did it become so impossible for us here in the United States to make a shower head!  We used to be a leader in manufacturing.  We created mass production for cryin out loud.  This simple little item must contain at least $3.00 worth of material and would require at least a middle school education to create. Makes me wonder why we need China to make this stuff.  I think that a fundamental problem we have is that we as Americans have become twisted in that we demand higher wages, yet are unwilling to pay for them.  By that I mean we want to purchase items at the absolute lowest cost while we demand a wage that will not allow us to be competitive in the market place.  If we do not start to change our ways,  we may need to make Chinese our second language in our schools so we can communicate with our new leaders in the future.