Wednesday, June 20, 2012

China my ass

So, I'm in the shower and I happen to notice that my new shower head, the one that is attached to a hose so you can spray...... never mind.  The dad gum thing says made in CHINA. When did it become so impossible for us here in the United States to make a shower head!  We used to be a leader in manufacturing.  We created mass production for cryin out loud.  This simple little item must contain at least $3.00 worth of material and would require at least a middle school education to create. Makes me wonder why we need China to make this stuff.  I think that a fundamental problem we have is that we as Americans have become twisted in that we demand higher wages, yet are unwilling to pay for them.  By that I mean we want to purchase items at the absolute lowest cost while we demand a wage that will not allow us to be competitive in the market place.  If we do not start to change our ways,  we may need to make Chinese our second language in our schools so we can communicate with our new leaders in the future.


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