Speaking of sports.....here is some thoughts.
Peyton Manning, Tom Brady, or any other individual player has never won a team sport all by themselves. Hence the word TEAM.
A-Rod is an A-Hole.
No one is the GREATEST OF ALL TIME. Time isn't over yet. The Games and Rules change as does the training and equipment. It's gotta be enough to be very good at what you do. Statistics are subject to interpretation. By that I mean, what criteria is in fact the most important?
Why don't you have to actually be IN the end-zone to score a touchdown?
Why do you actually have to be out-of-bounds to be out-of-bounds?
Why can't someone figure out how to make baseball on TV less boring?
MMA is as close to gladiatorial contests as we can get.......today!
Hows come when you have a 3 point lead with just seconds to go you don't foul the opponents so they cannot make a 3-point basket to tie the game?
Instant replay ruins the game. Officiating is part of the game.
Why do coaches and fans believe that the other team is the only ones to foul? Ever see coaches or fans complain that the other team is being screwed!
Hockey is a stupid game.
Haha this is one of your best! We have gone round and round with these questions and will continue to do so...I look forward to it!