Tuesday, August 14, 2012


So, apparently we are supposed to give a hoot about Mr. Obama's birth certificate.  I read an Editorial tonight that claimed that it is factual that Mr. Obama is using a fake birth certificate.  It went on to say that certain states will refuse to allow his name on the ballots this fall.  Even further that in response,  Mr. Obama is secretly backing riots to be held in convention cities so that he can invoke Martial Law and effectivly cancel all elections.  I am sure that is so he can remain in office without facing the possibility of not being re-elected.  HOLY CRAP!!  Are we really supposed to believe this nonsense?

Oh yeah!  The article went on to say that both candidates have stashed tons of money away in Swiss bank accounts.  I did not catch the point to that train of thought ( or lack of thought).  The Editor seemed to me to be delusional and somewhat offbase.  He did not seem to be partial to any candidate (something I do understand), rather just rambled about some things that he imagined.  Hey,  he's a little like me!

Any hooooo..  If the birth certificate is fake, I guess we nullify the last 4 years and everyone can just go back and have a mulligan.

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