Monday, July 22, 2013

Let them eat cake.

It's been awhile since I have been here.  Many reasons,  none of which are valid!

Alot has been happening.  Biggest news today is the impending birth of another Royal in England.  Apparently, I am the only person in the world that is not holding their breath in anticipation of the historic event.  I understand that I live in a country that has no tradition that rivals the chain of Monarchs that have ruled England.  I am astounded at the costs associated with maintaining a Royal family that has become "for show only". 

I do, however, relate Englands Royal family costs to the exhorbitant costs of maintaining a government here in America.  We are always learning more about those costs.  Wheather it is a vacation in Hawaii for our "Royal Family", the Obamas, or the staggering amout of money we spend on housing and transportation for Washington's political members,  or the Millions we spend on Military bases that we never occupy.  The similarities are there.  Even to the point that our Government is mostly show,  just like Britian's Royal Family.

In a time when many Countries are rebelling against their Governments,  some very violently,  it would seem that across the globe things are changing.  General populations are becoming very tired of Government mis-management.  Current economic crisis conditions are having a hugh effect on the quality of life in many regions and people are tiring and patience is becoming short.  It would seem that at some point, our infatuation of the famous and wealthy might become a sore point.  Remember the French Monarchy......Marie Antoniette?  She never really said "let them eat cake",  but her actions seemed to insinuate that behavior.  In-action can have the same affect.  Gonverments that continue to overspend or have become in-active may want to take a look at the growing un-rest.

We should all be able to afford to eat cake.

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