So we had another unbeleiveable shooting. This time in Connecticut at an Elementary School. I cannot begin to comprehend what comes loose in someones mind that makes them do something like this. I cannot help but wonder if the unlimited access to violence on Television, internet and video games hasn't in some way numbed some people to what violence really is. After all, everyone that is killed in those media are back the next time we boot up and we can do it all over again. Or is it simply that little value is put on life these days, others as well as our own.
Are we teaching that violence of this nature is just part of NORMAL behavior? Is it really difficult to get some idea that these people are struggling with a fit into society? Are there not some warning signs and if so are we unwilling to get involved? I understand that if someone wants to create mayhem and is capable of planning for it, most would be hard to catch. Such is the nature of deranged people. History is full of such idiots.
Because of recent events and the young age of a large number of the victims, there is a new movement to ban certain guns. Everyone is getting excited and vocal with their opinions. There are those that feel we should ban all weapons. Those that believe that assult guns are the culprit. Those that are certain any ban is the beginning of a new wave of tyranny possibly ending with another holocost. I find it strange that an event like the recent shootings in Connecticut sparks such debate and such a fever pitch. I also find it strange how fast the uproar dies. It was not very long ago that we were experiencing the same outrage over a shooting in a movie theater, but who remembers that? Such a short time dulls the pain and outrage.
Heres what I believe..... Wheather or not we have a RIGHT to own guns isn't the issue. Guns definately don't kill any more people than automobiles and I sure want to continue to drive. In no way will any legislation stop any waka-doodle from doing harm to innocent victims. It is a sad fact that crap will continue to happen. If some person doesn't use it, neither a car, gun, knife etc., will kill another person.
Remember that Pole in the town square and the pile of rocks????? May have the same effect as a pound of prevention....
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