Monday, January 23, 2017


Wow, how time flies.  Seems like just last week I was ramping up my bid for President.  Somewhere along the way I became sidetracked with the circus that was termed "campaigning" by other  folks.  I haven't been a fan of recent election campaigns because of all the childish verbal slop that comes with them.  I, for the last several months, have sat in my chair with my chin on my chest, watching our election process deteriorate into a school yard name calling session.  Such immature behavior and outright lying going on by the future leaders of our great Nation.  And, by the way Mr. Trump, our Nation is great.  So I don't need to constantly hear how you are the ONE to save us.  We are a little broken and its scum like you that broke it.

Its time I interject here that I am not a fan of any person that ran for President this time.  I am not a Republican, Democrat, Liberal, Conservative or any other label that is bantied about today.  I am an American, and, one that is as dissatisfied as many others.

I feel we are  at a crossroads in our growth as a country and in dire need of reform.  Our political leaders have become self absorbed and are no longer looking out for the "people" of our country.  They are self promoting and lazy and need to find a real profession.  They constantly talk about entitlements for the poor being abused while they abuse the people of this country with their irresponsible spending and self agrandizement.  The results of the recent election have done nothing to alleviate my concerns.  I am at a loss as to how intelligent people cannot see through the lies and constant rhetoric that we are exposed to each day.  If politicians aren't spewing their particular drivel, then, the media is doling out their self inflated opinions on us.  It is  becoming increasingly difficult to figure out the truth in anything we hear and see.  Comparisons to past leaders with treacherous agendas are everywhere.  It is a frightening thought that the American public is  becoming immune to the truth and will believe whatever is offered as fact, by who ever shouts the loudest.  Many horrible leaders from the past were duly elected because they had a persona that mesmerized people.  Given that many of us are enamoured with celebrity, I wonder if we simply voted for our favorite persona / personality.

Again, let me reiterate, I am not a fan of any particular person, party or group.  I have serious doubts about our newly elected officials.  Doubts that I have had since becoming aware of our political system, many years ago.  My frustrations are not new, rather, heightened by our recent election of someone that I feel was the least qualified person available.  Don't get your panties in a wad, I did not suggest Mrs. Clinton would be better.  So drop your thoughts that I am a Democrat or any other party affiliate. Mr. Trump, to me, is a childish, self-promoting, egotist.  I fear his agenda is for the good of Trump Inc., not the USA and its member citizens.  I hope I am wrong.

As I sit and reflect on the past 12 to 18 months, I can not help but think......Wow!....Really?