So, I watched as much of the Republican National Convention as my stomach would allow. WOW what an amazing collection of Cheerleaders. They came from all walks of life, all shapes and sizes. The message was very predictable, Republicans are GOOD and Democrats are EVIL, especially HRC.
Mrs. Trump was attacked for her probable copy of a previous speech. The message was good, but didn't make for as good TV as when the self righteous news media jumped on her with both feet. Mr. Cruz set everything on fire with what he didn't say. I may be slow, but, even I would not have invited someone to speak that I had just spent months spreading rumors about and attacking them and their family. I assume we can expect more stupid decisions from the Republicans between now and election time.
Now, don't get me wrong, I have no more faith in the Democrats and their upcoming Party "Party". It is painfully obvious to me that the Party that can paint the most disgusting picture of their opponent expects to be the winner. Meanwhile, we the public have to put up with which ever turd doesn't go down with the flush.
Dare I say ......FLUSH TWICE!