So I am nearing the end of my 64th year. I am a good 20 pounds over weight........well, 30 pounds is more like it...........ok, maybe 40 pounds.........thats a lie, 50 is close to the actual truth. I have coronary artery disease that progresses annually. I can't breathe as well as I used to, etc.
I miss things like ...being able to run, playing basketball, swimming ( most forms of physical activities). I don't remember as well as in the past. I am sure that I have forgotten more than I currently know. My body has aches that never go away. My aches are sore from aching.
I look at the younger generations with the same lack of understanding that my parents had with my generation. Do they really consider that noise as music? Why don't boys wear belts so their pants aren't held up by their knees? Why are baseball caps worn backward even when it isn't raining? Every young person has a phone that costs plenty, but, cannot afford pants without holes. Girls wear winter boots in the summer. What has happened to paisley, bell-bottoms, blouses that actually reach pants top, underwear that is actually under another garment? I kinda miss those things also.
I am not exactly sure when the "golden years" actually start, but I hope it's soon. I am afraid I won't be able to deal with them physically or remember what they are.