Monday, October 8, 2012

For the birds.

So,  I am one of those people that would not consider standing in line to purchase the new Phone,, Computer or what ever PAD has just been created.  I for one,  am sure that these Companies are marketing genius....or is there a generation of Idiots disguised as consumers!  Although these new devices have potential for usefullness,  the primary use (aside from making Apple and others wealthy) seems to be entertainment.  How will I survive until tomorrow unless I know who's baby just filled their diaper or or or who just got 10 more friend requests, or or or .....

Heaven forbid I not be able to play a game or text meaningless crap while driving!  After all,  I was taught to MULTITASK  was a good thing.  Well, multitasking wasn't intended to put people in harms way.  Drive the damn car!  Check in on shitty diapers when you reach your destination.  It really isn't important to know the score of the latest sporting event while in the middle of a conversation.  Trust me the world continues to create useless information even if you are not ON-line for awhile.

I see future generations with thumbs the size of ball bats from years of over use.  There will be no need for vocal cords,  because we will have ceased to speak.  It will be down right frightening to actually be in the presence of someone because interpersonal actions will be so infrequent.

I love the internet.  Information is so readilly available.  Know what I love even more?  A good face to face conversation.  Actually watching sporting events and the excitement that comes from not knowing the outcome until it happens.  Knowing that I might not know minute by minute all the useless trivia going on around me does not scare me.  Instead,  I take comfort knowing that there are times in life just worth savoring with only my thoughts.

Tweet Tweet Tweet..........thats for the birds.

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