Wednesday, December 26, 2012


Shopping,  now there is an activity that is fun.  During a recent shopping trip to the local city, I noticed alot of human interactions that were interesting.

A fair number of people simply do not have time to stand in line.  Wheather it be to pay for a purchase or to eat at a restaraunt.  Sneaking in line ahead of others or voicing displeasure with the pace or length of lines is commonplace.  I didn't treat shopping as a timed event.  I understand others simply were there first.

Children are not controlled well.  I especially enjoyed the little fellow standing on the counter at the fast food eatery.  He didn't climb up there,  his Mom put him there.  Aparently it was easier to tell him No a couple hundred times if he was at face level. Everyone knows that children have short attention spans,  so we bring them to the store to play with the merchandise.  A number of these were too young to understand the word No.  So, parents keep repeating themselves so that eventually these little nose pickers will learn.  I also enjoy hearing these precious little cherubs scream at the top of their lungs for what seems like hours.  Again,  they haven't learned what stop or No mean.  I was the odd ball parent.  Taught my kids what no meant at an early age.  Took them out of the public space when they were having a bad(loud) day.  Come on parents,  have a little respect for your surroundings.

Parking your vehicle is extremely competitive at the Mall.  There are numerous drivers dashing through the parking lot looking for that one space closer to the door.  Some even make space where there isn't any.  I now know why horns were put in cars, its so you don't have to raise your middle finger to talk to your fellow drivers.  Four-way stop signs are a competition.  Those drivers with the least courtesy can pick up a few seconds by brazenly going out of turn.  This allows them to possibly eliminate a few seconds of driving time and possibly that parking spot one car closer to the door.  I have found that I am still able to walk the distance required to get into the Mall, after all,  I have to walk around IN the Mall.  I have survived numerous stops at the four-way even though I wait my turn.  I still wouldn't know if my horn worked if I didn't honk when I picked someone up.  But, I must admit,  my middle finger still works.


I found it interesting that our "lawmakers" decided to recess for the holidays without finishing work to prevent the "fiscal cliff".  I understand there is still time, though.  What pisses me off,  well several things ,  there doesn't seem to be any urgengy applied to this (or any other problem).  The primary concern seems to be winning between Republicans and Democrats.  Its a game played with vast egos and apparently small minds.  These people cannot seem to grasp the fact that they mismanage our country while they play these games.  I watched a little of the channel on tv that shows the legislature.  Several impassioned speeches were given that we should work together (we being R's and D's) to solve this problem or that problem.
Each speech seemed to end the same way,  placing blame on the opposition party for not having  solutions.

The Fiscal Cliff problem and solution seems to have become just two peoples issue.  Obama and Behner (I probably didn't spell that right but what the heck he doesn't do much right either).  That is a scary proposition given the fact that they were instrumental in digging us such a deep hole in the first place.

The fundamental solution is simple.  Raise Taxes and curb spending.  The details of that solution are not simple.  I, for one, understand that I must pay for the stupidity of our leaders past decisions.  I will pay my fair share to continue to live a good, free life.  But, only if there is a plan to bring us back to solvency that is practical and obtainable in the short term.  Lawmakers......get off your ass and start doing your job.

New thoughts.

Just finished a couple of crazy weeks.  Thanksgiving at my parents in Mena, Arkansas.  Finishing up winterizing at the Marina.  A brief hospital stay to get my Ticker repaired,  Christmas and all the related activities.  I am ready for some semblence of normalcy.  Got lots of new thoughts to publish.

Saturday, December 8, 2012


In this country,  we have a group of people that have been charged with taking care of important matters for the good of all citizens.  Some are elected and some are appointed by those elected officials.  These people are expected to make decisions based on their knowledge and wisdom that will be beneficial to all of us.  This is not without cost to everyone.  Most of us pay for these decisions with part of our hard earned money.  Some of us pay for it with part of our lives and some pay with our life.  All in all, not a bad price for the freedoms and general quality of life we enjoy.  At least that is the general intent of our system.

If you listen to the news you get a little different picture.  Those "officials"  have done little more than create a huge mess in our economy.  Our country has become widely divided into factions that are vastly different in opinions.  For the most part we have Republicans and Democrats and there appears to be no way that they can co-exist.  Kinda like Hatfields and McCoys on a very large scale.  Right and wrong have been lost in the frenzy to be the winner.  All the while the people that rely on the knowledge and wisdom are left to wonder what is going on.

Everyone that holds office today IS and continues to be part of the problem reguardless of the blame game you hear.  Our country simply cannot continue to spend more than we have.  We borrow money to support other countries.  We ransack entitlement coffers to create more debt.  Some of the programs were intended to be a "savings account" for the good of the people that spent years and years investing in those programs.  Because of poor practices on the part of those in control,  those programs are in dissarray and foundering in a sea of uncertain life.

So,  it apparently boils down to wheather or not we should raise taxes on the rich.  If we do,  we could probably loose their vote.  If we don't,  we will certainly loose the vote of those less fortunate.  My-Oh-My, what is a politician to do!?   My solution is clear and simple.  Stop spending what we don't have.  Raise all taxes a little at a time.  Stop supporting countries that have no appreciation for our efforts and simply have come to expect financial aid for playing us like the dumb asses we are.  Create import taxes that make forign products and manufacturers pay for our consumerism.  That includes products made off shore by American companies.  Stop spending money on PORK and start taking care of our aging infrastructure.  Modify our entitlement programs to bring them up to current needs.  Create National policies that benefit the working class and hold their feet to the fire to follow those policies.

If you hold office and cannot look past your personal agenda.........go ahead and jump off that cliff.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Loved ones

So, here I am in backwoods Arkansas.  We came here for Thanksgiving to visit my Parents.  Thats always a TRIP!  Days are spent with eating,  playing cards,  doing little chores around the house and talks on all manner of subjects.  If you have kept up you get an idea about the players.  Dad is still Dad.  Mom is well educated and well spoken.  Brother is also well educated, read and spoken.  Sister in law is the same as  Brother.  That leaves my wife and I which I will claim are well rounded as well.

The six of us definately have six different ways of looking at most subjects.  Naturally the rest of the group has yet to learn that my view is always the correct one,  so discussions get off track.  Nevertheless,  we have solved most of the worlds problems in a little less than a week.  Now if we can just get the powers to be the message.

Card playing is another story.  Although secretly we all assume the others cheat,  we rarely speak those words out loud.  Games are fast and fun.  Euchre is the favored game and truth is everyone is probably even in the win/loss column.  Tomorrow is Thanksgiving and we have already consumed enough to keep Biafra from starving for another year.  We all love to eat.

Tomorrow we will attempt to call all of the Family that could not attend our little get together.  We all miss those members of our Family.  We, like so many others,  miss Family at these Holiday times.  We sit and recall amusing stories from the past, particurally about those missing in action.  We can stretch the truth a little because they were not here for self defense.  After we laugh ourselves silly at others expense,  we settle back at the table to add back the lost weight from laughing.

So goes our week of Thanksgiving.  What a wonderful way to spend a week.  Wirth loved ones.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Chinese food

I have been busy.

So, here's my take on the recent Elections.  I was surprised at the re-election of Mr. Obama,  as I guess roughly half of the population was.  I am guessing that continuation of the known is more acceptable than the unknown that comes with new.  I for one would have considered a new approach, even if uncertain, would be acceptable given the past four years and the lack of progress on issues that are stiffling this country.  That does not mean in any way that I am enamored with Mr. Romney,  simply that I think something different is required.  Are we so gullible as to beleive that the last four years were just "set-up" for the real solutions?

At all levels of Government we have been bombarded with hollow promises for the past 18 months or so.  We were informed less about real plans for correcting our nations problems than we were about candidates shortcomings as human beings and politicians.  Yet we somehow managed to cast our votes for those repugnant candidates and entrusted them with our fate yet again.

Again,  i would suggest that our entire system requires a complete overhaul.  Even though newly elected officials have now begun bantying about ideas such as bi-partisan efforts,  I will crap and fall back in it if there is any real effort to do such an outlandish thing.  Admitting that the opposition party may in fact hold some ideas of value is counter to all that our present political system holds dear to them.

The next political person that claims to be able to reduce taxes when our debt has passed 16 Trillion dollars should be jacketed (AS IN Straight).  Every taxpayer should be willing to pay their fair share.  I am simply tired of paying for worthless crap, forign economic assists,  long ago lost military causes, etc...  Lets get our house in order before ordering Chinese is in fact ordering national foods.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Look Out!

As I drove to work today,  I saw a young man standing alongside the road.  It was obvious that he saw me approaching.  As I drew near,  while looking directly at me, this young man walked into the road.  I could tell by the look in his eye that he was doing this just to be cute.  He assumed that he would make me put the brakes on and he would derive some twisted pleasure from his little game.

Now, I still feel like a pretty good driver.  So, I did not slow down, instead I kept my pace and moved to the right just enough to leave a couple inches between him and my 4000 pound vehicle.  In my mirror I could see his eyes (about the size of pie plates)  and a look of disbelief.  I think it was clear to him that he had just been stupid.  I was expecting the BIRD.

I see this behavior all too often.  Young people are oblivious to their surroundings.  They walk on the wrong side of the road and never glance back at approaching traffic.  They test you with deliberate crossings in front of oncoming traffic.  In general, they show a complete lack of respect for others.  Unfortunatly,  some one will not be paying attention or will have stayed at the watering hole just a little too long and one of these brave (read..stupid) kids will learn how destructive 4000 pounds of metal can be.

My Parents took the time to teach me how to survive while on foot, or on a bicycle for that matter.  Walk facing the traffic and give way.  You cannot win a match of Chicken with something that out weighs you by a couple tons.  If riding,  go with the traffic flow, but, constantly check behind you for overtaking machinery.  Not only is this respectful, it is prudent to your own survival.

While my manuevering around the young man was probably stupid in itself,  maybe he  got the message that not everyone on he road is willing to play.

Sunday, October 21, 2012


I have missed both Presidential debates and unfortunately the Vice-Presidential debate as well.  Missed is not correct,  I abstained from watching.  Over the past several months, the constant bombardment of negativity has completely erased any interest I may have had in the upcoming election.  Now I just want it to go away.

Based on the information given by the candidates,  parties and contributors over the past months, it is clear to me that there is not one single candidate worth voting for.  No one running for office has done anything worthwhile that would help the citizenry.  Each candidate, no matter the office they are campaigning for, has done the most despicable deeds while in prior office or in public life.

That begs the question,  at least to me,  where have all the good people gone and why won't they run for office?  Has our system deteriorated to the point that honest, trustworthy and concerned citizens simply are not interested or capable of getting in the system and championing change?  Or have we become a nation that is more concerned with the game of politics than the actual labor of politics.  We are infatuated with dissecting each sound bite and drawing meaning from it rather than forcing clear and concise dialogue about actual problems that face the country we live in.

I have no doubt that many candidates are decent people.  What I have real doubt about is their motives for running for office.  I think there is a certain credibility to the notion of drunk with power.
Stop drinking and start doing the job you were elected for.


So,  I am having trouble with my computer.  Once again it is demonstrating that it has a mind of its own.  Little does it know,  I have the ultimate power.....I am capable of hurtling it at least 20 feet into the street.  It better learn to behave!

Just kidding

Just a little over two weeks until the big election................................I can hardly wait!!!!!!

Just kidding,  I am sick of the crap we have endured lately.

Monday, October 8, 2012

For the birds.

So,  I am one of those people that would not consider standing in line to purchase the new Phone,, Computer or what ever PAD has just been created.  I for one,  am sure that these Companies are marketing genius....or is there a generation of Idiots disguised as consumers!  Although these new devices have potential for usefullness,  the primary use (aside from making Apple and others wealthy) seems to be entertainment.  How will I survive until tomorrow unless I know who's baby just filled their diaper or or or who just got 10 more friend requests, or or or .....

Heaven forbid I not be able to play a game or text meaningless crap while driving!  After all,  I was taught to MULTITASK  was a good thing.  Well, multitasking wasn't intended to put people in harms way.  Drive the damn car!  Check in on shitty diapers when you reach your destination.  It really isn't important to know the score of the latest sporting event while in the middle of a conversation.  Trust me the world continues to create useless information even if you are not ON-line for awhile.

I see future generations with thumbs the size of ball bats from years of over use.  There will be no need for vocal cords,  because we will have ceased to speak.  It will be down right frightening to actually be in the presence of someone because interpersonal actions will be so infrequent.

I love the internet.  Information is so readilly available.  Know what I love even more?  A good face to face conversation.  Actually watching sporting events and the excitement that comes from not knowing the outcome until it happens.  Knowing that I might not know minute by minute all the useless trivia going on around me does not scare me.  Instead,  I take comfort knowing that there are times in life just worth savoring with only my thoughts.

Tweet Tweet Tweet..........thats for the birds.

For your benefit!

About a month left until the BIG Election.  Can't wait.  I am so tired of hearing what bad people the Candidates are.  Not just Presidential Candidates,  but Candidates for positions at the lowest levels of Government.  The guy running for Animal Control Officer was just accused of showing favoritism toward cats!  I can only assume that to be a blatant attempt to garner favor with them cat voters.

Seriously,  is the voting public stupid enough to take these attack adds serious?  If so,  how could you chose to vote for anyone.  Each candidate has been painted as a reprehensible politician,  even more damaging,  a slug of a human being.  After all, who would dare mess with Social Security,  Medicare/ Medicade,  Higher Taxes for anyone let alone the working stiff.  Who really is to blame for the Trillions and Trillions of dollars of debt?  Each and every person who still subscribes to business as usual at any Government level.

Our Government system has outgrown its usefulness.  Our system has become bloated with self important politicians that have no more concern for the public welfare than they do for animals being run over on the highway.  It is a shame about the animals,  but at least I'm OK.  Term limits would be a good starting point.  Once in office it would be less necessary to be a conformist to party or contributor wishes.  One could simply work for the benefit of his constituants.  What a novel idea!!!!  Government for the people by the people.  Holy crap,  maybe our forefathers had a good idea.

Next,  campaigning all term should not be tolerated.  I for one are not interested in paying my elected officials to campaign or solicit funds for re-election during their term.  I could see giving a month to get your message out just prior to election day.  Think of the money that would save taxpayers.  Yea yea yea,  those of you that think taxpayers aren't footing campaign bills need to wake up.  Any politician worth his salt knows how to disguise personal agendas as beneficial to his people and gladly use taxpayer money.  After all,  He/she is acting purely for your benefit!!!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012


The news has been disturbing lately.  Our Embassies in the Middle East have been under attack.  Staff has been killed.  Property demolished.  Confusion over who is responsible.

Know what I think?  Screw the bunch of em (Middle Eastern Countries).  What do they have that we need?........NOTHING!  It seems to me that we are unwelcome,  un-needed, and most of all despised.  Again, religious and cultural differences create an almost impossible environment for getting along.  What would we, the USA, think if a foreign country came here and attempted to instill their beliefs on us?  Wouldn't sit too well with us.  So the question is,  what on earth makes us so egotistical as to believe that we belong there trying to force our way on them?  If they want change,  they will get it one way or another.  We did.

I would vacate those countries so fast it would make their head spin.  Let them fend for themselves.  Stop Aid for them.  Stop importing any of their products(oil).  Let them kill each other.  After all that seems to be what they do best.  Stop empowering those crazy Bast---- to continue harassing us with Money and Food supplied by us.

OR!.......Send em some Bombs via airmail.  Turn the desert into Glass.


My older brother was here for two weeks.  He rode his Motorcycle here from Florida,  some 11 or 12 hundred miles.  While here,  he went to my Marina and worked every day that I did.  He was in this business for alot of years, so his help is excellent. 

This time of year is one of my busiest times (September thru mid November).  We are busy pulling 250 or so boats out of the lake,  winterizing,  wrapping, etc..  Needless to say, experienced help is invaluable.

Here is the good part.  My brother just comes.  I don't have to ask for his help.  He just comes knowing it's the busy time.  He knows we are a small shop and always understaffed.  He works harder than any paid employee and doesn't require supervision.  We have to fight him to take any pay!

This fall was especially good.  He just came to help and didn't even know that I had just been diagnosed with more Heart problems.  Thats just the kind of man my brother is.  I think he knows how special I think he is and cannot thank him enough for his help.


Tuesday, September 11, 2012


One issue in the ongoing he said / he said dialog is the debt.  THE DEBT!!!  Well, it's clear the Democrats (OBama)  didn't create it.  It is equally clear the Republicans didn't create it.  Remember,  I am confused.  Here is what I think.  Our government is made up, primarily, of two parties.  The R and the D.  At no time is our government made up of a single party.  If I am not wrong,  out of the last four years,  the D's were the majority for two, and the R's were the majority for two.  I find it incredibly hard to swallow that a single person is to blame for our staggering National Debt.  Not Mr. OBama, not Mr. Bush,  not even the Easter Bunny.  If you held office in the last twenty years,  you cannot escape bearing some blame.

The problem is not an R or D,  it is everyone who subscribes to the party system beyond election day.  Once elected,  the job is to make decisions that benefit the majority,  wheather they be R or D.  What idiot would believe that only a D or only an R knows what is best.  Stop bantying about the word bipartisan and start doing your job to benefit the most people possible.

We the people should have the power to terminate any and all politicians that fail to execute their position in a manner that has no R or D attached to it.  When we see a vote in the House or Senate that strictly follows party lines,  we should be able to execute a firing.  If you hold office and take the dumb-ass stance that being in another state will disrupt the process,  we may even want to put you on that court yard post!

Run for office because you truly want to help the general population maintain an acceptable and enjoyable life in the USA.


So, now we have both National Conventions out of the way.  All the guest speakers had their day in the sun.  Alot of finger pointing and blame laying and a talk to a chair and its over.  Whew!!!  The excitement was nearly too much to handle.

Because I watched both conventions,  I am more confused than ever.  What exactly is the truth?  Who do we believe?  Is anyone capable of the truth? 

I am reminded of a game we used to play on the wintery playground back in the 1950's.  Some poor soul, chosen some how (I forget) was to stand up against a little building, facing it.  The rest of the players would make a snowball and on someones count, hurl it at the targeted player.  After the barrage of snowballs hit whatever,  the target player would turn around and pick someone.  If that player had hit the targeted player, it was their turn against the wall.  And so the game went.

Now the interesting part. (The game was the dumb part)  I never remember the chosen person to lie about wheather or not they had hit the targeted person.  Holy crap,  telling the truth got you pelted with snowballs!!  Thats honesty.

I think our politicians could learn a lesson here.  Sometimes telling the truth can cause a little pain.  But the satisfaction of knowing you have done the right thing is very unforgettable.  If only government played the game with the same honesty.

Thursday, August 30, 2012


So I can't stop myself.  I tune into the RNC because I am curious.  I caught most of Mrs. Romney's speech.  I was impressed.  It almost seemed as though those were her actual thoughts and beliefs.  She did a wonderful job of presenting her speech and whoever helped with the writing was very good.  If only I could beleive it wasn't constructed purely for campaign purposes.

I had to stay tuned for Chris Christy and his speech.  He definately was campaining for the most part.  It seemed as though he had trouble tying Mr. Romney into his self promoting.  I think he has done a wonderful job fixing numerous problems in New Jersey,  but I think it became clear that he isn't ready for the "big stage".  It would be wonderful if what he professed to have done in Jersey could actually be acomplished in the next 4 years.  I really would not care who held office if we could change the direction our country is headed.

I can't remember all the people and who they are,  but at times I felt like I was at a pep rally.  I guess thats all the convention really is.  That and crappy reality TV.  I am amazed by all the talk of groups (women,  hispanics, blacks, etc...) that politicians think/try to target.  It is a confusing task to try to keep up with all the political jargon.  It would seem that if you are proposing to try to do the right things, then regardless of your grouping,  you would be interested in voting for that candidate. 

I am fascinated by this GAME  that we refer to as politics.  I am appalled that it is just that....a Game.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012


Oh happy day!  The Republican National Convention is on TV!  My dreams have finally come true.


It's a gas

Yet again,  Gas prices fluctuated 35 cents per gallon today.  Thats an amazing 10% in less than 12 hours.  I haven't got that figured out yet.  Most of the gas that went up in price today is the same gas that was in the underground tanks at the station ...yesterday.  Just what exactly caused a 10% price increase? 

Some reasoning that sticks in my mind.....A Californian refinery was shut down today.....A pipeline developed a leak today.....the price of crude oil went up today...etc..  Events  that happen today should have an effect on fuel made tomorrow.  So why the immediate change at the end of the chain?

I would like to know more.  I would also like to know why we, the consumer, continue to willingly participate in this absurdity.  Yea yea yea,  we all need to get to work, the beauty parlor,  tavern,  so on and so forth.  And what the heck,  we get to continuously gripe about it also.  Constitution allows us to do that. 

Well guess what buckaroos,  we also are allowed to protest by simply choosing to NOT purchase products from companies that are so poorly run that they need to constantly change prices.  Hey, if you or I raised our prices 10% in a month or year, let alone a day,  our customers would leave us.  So why don't we send a message to the oil companies that we will not use their products.  I don't begrudge any one making a profit.  We need for oil companies to be profitable, because we still need their products.  What we don't need is to be held hostage.  So, lets all get together and pick a point to start a boycott of oil products until there is an accounting of some sorts.  Pick a price and find a way to controll costs, then we will be customers again!!

WOW!  What fun we could have.

lower cholestrol

One of the "benefits" of ageing is that we become medicine takers.  Most of my friends my age are prescribed medicine for various ailments.  Mine are to prevent or postpone additional heart problems.  I find it interesting that prescriptions have benefits AND potential side affects.

In reading about potential side affects one has to wonder if the benefits are worth the risk.  I see ads on TV for medications that have a singular benefit but have a laundry list of potential side affects.  Some side affects sound like they create a problem larger than the simptom you are trying to eliminate.

Had I not taken the time to read the fine print, I would forever wonder why I was plagued with bleeding toenails,  ingrown fingers,  multiple new growth appendages,  upper gastrointestinal hoogits,  Flavingnation of the respiratory inhaler,  seemingly endless hallucinations,  loss of toe hair, ephizuties of the blow hole,  redness and swelling of the inner gallinastious, that annoying little third boob in the middle of my back and a little hitch in my git-along.

All this in an attempt to keep my cholestrol low!

Just the facts

So,  I'm reding the newest issue of Sports Illustrated and the cover story is about some new wunderkid baseball player.  He's 20 or 21,  I don't remember, and has played a whopping 88 games as a professional.  Thats roughly half of a season.  True to form,  SI is annointing him as a probable MVP for this season.  Whats more,  they are touting this kid as potentially the greatest of all time!  Holy SH--,  Willie, Joe (DiMaggio and Jackson), Babe, Lou and Micky,  to name a few, are probably fuming over that crap. 

When did our society become so impatient?  What is it about us that we simply cannot wait for someone (or something) to actually happen before we get all crazy and proclaim someone anything of all time?  Some guys past and present have had very good very long careers.  Others have burst onto the scene with tremendous potential to simply fizzle after short bursts.

How many greatest of all time can there be?  How is that measured?  How do we handicap differences in time?  I, for one, would appreciate a little more factual information and prefer you keep your fortune telling to a minimum.  I enjoy your Magazine to a point. 

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Lets play

I have been watching the Little League World Series on TV.  Although the game at that age has certainly evolved in the last 50 years,  it brings back memories of playing baseball as a kid.  It was so much fun!  In the town there were barely enough kids to make two teams.  No matter,  we played almost all summer.  Little League nights were family affairs.  We all went to the local diamond and played ball,  watched and ate hot dogs.  Of course we all knew everyone so it was a night of socializing.

Watching the kids on TV these nights,  it appears that alot has stayed the same.  Kids play ball and those not in the game watch and eat hot dogs.  I am reminded of why sports are so much fun.  Participating by playing or watching can be very rewarding.

 I am also reminded of what sports have become at higher levels.  Self promotion,  greed, drug use,  cheating,  scandals,  lack of self control and a myriad of other problems that take away from something called a game. Even the Olympics, which I love watching,  has its issues.  Losing on purpose to gain a more favorable path to the medal round.  Purely Professional participants so we can bring home medals.  Allegations of drug use .

Wouldn't it be great if the old addage "It's not wheather you win or lose, but how you play the game" described sports.  Watching kids play for the fun of it.  Now thats entertainment.  That's how you play the game.


Back in Grade School,  Us kids used to verbally fight with one another about stupid nonsense.  Eventually we would end up just making up stuff in an attempt to hurt our opponent.  Truth had little to do with the content of our outbursts.  It was about winning at all costs. 

It sounded a little like the "campaigning" that we are subjected to these days.  School yard fighting just like all of us remember from Grade School.  Why don't these people step back and just take a look at how STUPID they look.  I cannot get past the thought that these people are eventually going to continue to run the government of one of the most powerful Nations on the planet.  As Achmed would say....HOLY CRAP!!!

If these guys were my kids,  I would send them to their room without supper.  Definately would ground them until they acted more grown-up.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Still Driving Blind

Something new to releive us from the mundane duty of driving our vehicle.  Cadillac,  Not BMW,  has a new gizmo.  A drivers seat that will vibrate when something that you may not see enters your "space".  I gotta get me one, I always put quarters in those boxes that make the bed vibrate.  It is sooo relaxing that it puts me to sleep quickly.  If I stay close enough to some other driver that my car thinks I don't see,  The vibration would be soooo soothing that I might sleep.......... woops,  not the best idea.

I think some of these designers need an office chair that electrically shocks the stuffing out of them when they get these hair-brained ideas.  Cars are 4000 pound missles just waiting to wreak havoc when we think we have them mastered.  Not to mention,  the cost to purchase a vehicle has grown to the point of absurdity.  I don't need to know how many miles until I run out of gas at the present speed I am traveling.  I just stop when the good ole gas gauge says I need gas.  I can tell the relative temperature outside by rolling down the friggin window.  I don't need a touch screen to operate the radio,  I never change the channel.  I like my classic rock station.

Spare me the expense of all the gadgets.  Just give me reliable, comfortable and  reasonably priced transportation.  Put all the rest of that crap on the young guys phone!!


So, apparently we are supposed to give a hoot about Mr. Obama's birth certificate.  I read an Editorial tonight that claimed that it is factual that Mr. Obama is using a fake birth certificate.  It went on to say that certain states will refuse to allow his name on the ballots this fall.  Even further that in response,  Mr. Obama is secretly backing riots to be held in convention cities so that he can invoke Martial Law and effectivly cancel all elections.  I am sure that is so he can remain in office without facing the possibility of not being re-elected.  HOLY CRAP!!  Are we really supposed to believe this nonsense?

Oh yeah!  The article went on to say that both candidates have stashed tons of money away in Swiss bank accounts.  I did not catch the point to that train of thought ( or lack of thought).  The Editor seemed to me to be delusional and somewhat offbase.  He did not seem to be partial to any candidate (something I do understand), rather just rambled about some things that he imagined.  Hey,  he's a little like me!

Any hooooo..  If the birth certificate is fake, I guess we nullify the last 4 years and everyone can just go back and have a mulligan.


I get "The Paper" delivered to the house weekly.  I'm not special,  everybody gets one.  Nevertheless, I have to turn to the "Speak Out" section first.  I get a kick from reading alot of the stuff called in.  Tonight there were , as usual,  several people quoting the Bible and offering their views on religion as proof that they were right about some subject. 

I beleive everyone is entitled to their opinion reguardless of their religious affiliation.  One person in particular was very upset that some politician made remarks about the seperation of church and state.  I for one beleive this to be a good thing.  Our founding fathers were, I think, smart to understand that freedom of religion would be contradictory to a government that favored a particular religion.

Another person was railing against Chick-Fil-A.  If I understand correctly,  the founder/owner of this Company made reference to his beliefs reguarding Gay Marriage.  He also has made it Company policy to remain closed on Sundays.  These are decisions made to stay within the Religious beliefs he practices.  So who cares?  I do not beleive he was demanding anyone else agree with him,  he was simply stating opinions of his.  So now the fighting has commenced.  People pro-gay want boycotts,  and anti-gays still want gays crucified.  Nothing changes.  I for one still think their chicken is the best!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012


Our two leading candidates for President are both touting that they have a plan for our "recovery".  I have yet to hear these plans,  but I am sure we can trust and believe them.  After all,  neither of them had anything to do with our present economic predicament.  They have both fought hard to prevent deficit spending.  Certainly neither one has ever proposed a side deal to keep Government money from directly benefitting their constituants.  Nor did either one have anything to do with massive failed "bailouts" .

Here is my Plan.  Lets create more jobs.  Lets cut Government spending.  Lets lower Taxes.  Lets give foreign countries billions.  Lets stick our nose and military into every little pissing match created in far away lands.  Lets create the most confusing least agreeable health care plan that we can dream up.  Lets let the leader of the free world just flit around campaigning for the last year of his term.

See,  I got what it takes to be a good politician.  I can spend a lot of time saying NOTHING also.
Come on guys,  grow up,  tell us something that is practical to do and get off your ass and work on it.

Grizzley Bears

Like so many other people, I am sleep depraved.  I stay up way to late in the AM watching the Olympics.  Good thing it only happens every other year (summer / winter).  I enjoy most of the sports.  I, however, do not like the purely professional sports (basketball, tennis, soccer and such).  I think it taints the actual amateur events.  I know, you can say that most sports border on the professional these days.  The tremendous facilities and the seeming endless availabilitty of coaches and time.  It would seem that most atheletes at these levels are not employed and have tremendous amounts of time to practice.  I know some are payed well for endorsements which may or may not make them professional.
I know to a great many it would be unimaginable that the USA not win basketball,  or that the Williams girls not get medals for their tennis ability.  I for one would like to see the Olympics revert to amateur games as best we can guarantee that.  After all,  I get no more joy from watching a group of NBA or WNBA stars whip up on some way less skilled team that I would watching a grizzley bear rassle a toy poodle.
I do, however, enjoy watching some of the smaller countries produce medals.  I cannot be sure that they aren't somehow given the same advantages as Olympians from the much larger countries.  But,  what the heck, it makes for feel good stories.
To sum up,  put amateurs back in the Olympics and leave the Grizzley Bears at home in their mansions.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012


I just finished my 61st year of this incredible journey.  So many things done and seen.  So much time has passed and oh so quick.  Just yesterday, I was a young man who was not supposed to "trust anyone over 30"!!!  That was 40 years ago.  Now I have been one of those untrusted ones for over 30 years.  After all this time, I have yet to figure out just why I was not supposed to trust those over 30.  Oh well, doesn't seem to matter much now.  So many things change as we travel through time.  Views about matters ebb and flow like the wind.  Times change almost as fast as it passes. 
One thing I have noticed.  Everything we see and are told today has "faster" attached to it.  Faster computers, phones, bill paying etc...  We go so fast, supposedly to allow us more time to do stuff.  I just get tired from all the speed.  Another benefit of aging!
I always wondered why my parents generation looked back at the good old days and smiled.  Now I know why.  As we age we find it more difficult to keep up with all the changes happening around us.  This scares us a little, so we wish things would not change so rapidly..We aren't as comfortable as we would like.  We all know that the new generation is missing out on the good old days.
Well, Buckaroos, relax.  Time will pass and accelerate.  So hang on and try to enjoy the ride.  But every now and then take a break, slow down and just say Whew.
Oh yea.......if you are 30 now, don't will end up over 60!

Monday, July 30, 2012


As we travel through life we accumulate a lot of stuff.  My most prized  possessions are family heirlooms,  stuff made by my children and pictures of places visited,  family and friends.  Friends are collected throughout our lives for various reasons.  We grew up with some,  worked with some and just were lucky enough to meet some in some random way.  Tonight,  other friends and I held an informal memorial for a dear departed friend.  Unfortunately,  I have reached that age where this has become more frequent than I would like.  Although it is hard to say goodbye to friends,  I always try to remember that I was fortunate enough to have had these friends.  Barb was a classmate but in so many ways she represented all that is good in friendship.  I was able to spend a few precious hours with this friend over the last 40 or so years,  but I never felt that we were that far apart.  When you grow up with someone,  you experience the same things at the same relative time.  That creates a bond that doesn't require constant contact.  For the most part,  you develope the same likes and dislikes.  You see things in much the same light.  So physical distance does not hamper your relationship.
My other friends and I said our goodbyes.  Shed a few tears and told a few rememberances.  Even though we will miss Barbie,  we will always be better for having shared our lives with her.
Keep your hearts and arms open for all those friends you have.  Someday, you may have to say goodbye.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Federal (DEFICIT)

Did I hear correctly?  The Federal Government has created a deficit of

$19.000,000,000,000,000.  Holy crap,  thats more than I make in a YEAR!!!

I am pretty sure everyone in Government needs to be fired.  Thats worse than the banks and home loan companies were doing.  Oh wait,  they received some of that deficit spending as a reward for being totally inept at running a business.  So who is going to bail out our Government for doing such a crappy job?  My annual wage will not cover it!

I am tired of paying the salaries of Government officials that do not have the common sense to understand that you simply cannot keep spending money you do not have.  I think it is time for wholesale changes in personnel and spending practices. 

It's election time.  Listen to the stupid bas----s telling us they will lower our taxes.  I find that to be absurd.  We are deeply in debt.  How do they expect to get out of debt?  Maybe they are expecting a bail out check.  I am sure it's in the mail!!!


So some whacko shoots up a Movie Theater,  kills a dozen movie goers.  We all grieve a little.  Some of us drop off flowers at make shift memorials.  In general,  we behave with civility.

Police in L.A. shoot (and kill) two young men in seperate instances.  We take to the streets.  We assault all police,  verbally and physically.  We destroy businesses and vehicles.  We act with uncontrolled violence.  In general,  we behave badly.

What amazes and confuses me is how we treat each of these occurrences so differently.  On one hand,  we react with shock and sadness.  On the other hand we react with violence and lack of self control.  Where are the flowers for the two individuals from L.A.?  Why are we not burning the town in Colorado to the ground?  Are the cultures of the two regions so different?

Each of these incidents are filled with questions and answers.  I am moved by each loss,  but I refuse to act out.  Not from fear, or anger, or grief.  I simply do not know enough to make impromptu decisions.  Calm down out there.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012


Can we just take the ass-hole that shot up the movie theater in Colorado,  tie him to a pole in the town square,  dump a big pile of eqq sized stones near,  and let anyone who wants to just chuck a stone at him.  Hopefully, it will take a while to actually finish him off,  so he gets the full effect of terror that he inflicted on his victims.  That would not be a tradgedy.

Sooner or later we should consider harsher and swifter punishment.

What is the reasoning behind 413 (or so) years sentence for the child molester?  He's certainly not gonna fill that sentence.  Why do we need to fund the rest of his life behind bars for?  Really,  lets put him on the other side of the post in the town square.

Cruel?  Probably.  So were the crimes perpetrated by these nut jobs.  Would stoning be a better deterrant than a room with bars and amenities?  I think it might.

The cost of housing law breakers exceeds the amount an equal number of law abiding people earn.  What's up with that?  If we gotta house them,  a 5 X 5 foot cell would do just fine.  If we remember to feed them,  thats OK.  If we forget every now and then,  thats OK too.

Why do I care?

There is something inherintly wrong with me.  I cannot stand the self proclaimed know-it alls that have their own TV shows,  but I get stuck watching them at times.  I think it's because I am dumb-founded by their air of superiority.  Hannity, O'riley, Limbaugh, etc.., oh yea,  NANCY GRACE.  Now there is a woman that knows her opinion is the only valid one and boy, can she make a mountain out of a mole hill.  I watch her for just long enough to tell her to shut up!  Oriley, I get stuck on longer because I sit there with my mouth open in amazement that anyone would want to be a guest on his show.  He answers his own questions that he poses to his guests,  tells them they are wrong when they offer their opinions.  In general, he seems to be a terrible host with incredibly poor manners.  He may know something, but I can't hear his message because I am, again  ,busy telling him to shut up.

We seem to be a society that is becoming less able to listen.  We cannot wait for everyone to hear us,  so we constantly interupt.  I was raised to wait my turn,  listen to others and offer my opinions as just that,  MY OPINION.  My opinion is important to me, but may not be agreeable to others.  Why do I care?  No one person has all the answers.  So lets let each have his say. Talk show hosts,  shut up and listen to others.  You may learn something.

I need a talk show!  After all,  I really do know everything!  And thats why I care.

Monday, July 16, 2012

The usual crap

I enjoy watching the news.  Why?  I know not.
I tuned into the Republican channel (Fox) for their normal unbiased approach to the news.  YOU DECIDE!  I found it interesting that the top story is yet another tale of He said, He said.  Seems that the two front runners for our political chief are engaged in a heated debate over which is hiding the most from the public.  Problem for me is that they seem to think I give a rip about their past tax returns or their college transcripts.  I care about the economy, foreign trade deficits, rising budget deficits, unchecked spending, term limits, tort reform and health care costs to name a few.  Do I care about their school yard war of words about who is the sneakiest or the least truthful?  No!  I have lost a lot of faith in the political system.  I want people to speak for me in government that have a legitimate interest in the well-being of our people and our Nation as a whole.  People that respect the job of representing the masses without hidden adgendas to further their own interests above those of the general population.
It is unlikely that anyone would be able to satisfy everyone.  However, there should be a deep desire to do what is best for a majority.  State and federal government has grown out of control and lost sight of their true mission.  Their mission should be to care for the needs of the many and not to campaign for re-election.  If you are successful at your job,  we will be glad to have you back for a second term.  If you fail us,  you are fired.
Hey you two.......stop trying to convince me the other guy is guilty of something that I could care less about and convince me that you have a grip on things that do concern me.  I am tired of trying to decide who will be the least objectionable.  Give me a choice to make between two (or more) people that really project an understanding of our needs and desires.  I am tired of the usual crap!

The Missing Gene

So,  I find it somewhat interesting that I (being of sound mind) decided to start "blogging" .  I am from the age that grew up playing outdoors because we did not have the multitude of distractions so prevalent in the lives of younger people.  Prior to friends, tweets, likes, birds that are angry for some reason, brothers named Mario etc.., we were capable of entertaining ourselves with toys that were manipulated through sand boxes, games that required us not sitting on our butts, and development of appendages other than our thumbs.  Is it any wonder that I struggle to maintain the use of electronics that were science fiction when I was young.
I have not been able to BLOG for sometime because my computer / modem has been at odds with me.  After several failures at fixing the problem,  I called in the experts......30 year olds!  The experts are from a generation raised on this electronic equipment much like I was raised with a baseball glove and a tent.  I can start a fire without the aid of matches and survive a night without TV or my phone, but try as I might, I cannot come to grips with the mysteries of the internet.  I suspicion that something has been added to the fast food that we live on today that has genetically altered recent generations.  A new Gene has developed that allows new generations to understand the complexities of thin air. 
Because I am missing this new super Gene,  I am probably destined to struggle with the information highway for my remaining days.  Fortunately my 9 year old grandson will be available to keep me on-line for the near future.  While he does that, I will immerse myself in a good book.  For you twitterers,  that is a paper based document you have to manipulate with your hands,  but not a joy stick. 

Monday, July 2, 2012

Driving blind.......Again

I saw a new car commercial.  Guess what?  Even more stuff you don't have to do for yourself behind the wheel!  This little vehicle slows down automatically if it detects a slower moving vehicle in front of you.  In case you are texting or watching that little TV in your dash, I suppose.  Side note....I should get my Niece one of those because she drives close enough to vehicles to read the little stickers fine print on the plates!!!  This car also tells you of vehicles approaching you from your blind spot,  which could be anywhere not seen on your phone or TV screen.
I watched the Jetsons back in the day.  I know flying cars are in our future.  So it stands to reason that vehicles capable of driving themselves would be an intermediate step?  I cannot remember George (Jetson) not having to pilot his flying vehicle.  So we may be off track with current trends of laziness and inattentiveness.  I would suggest that if you are not capable of spotting a slower vehicle in front of you, looking in your rear-view mirror, parking with-out assistance and/or driving from A to B without your dashboard directing you,  you may want to give us other motorists a break and stay off the highway.  Or, in the event you are wealthy,  keep that chauffer and pay him/her well.  But under no circumstances send them to school to learn about the new electronics!
I have my eye on all you motorists,  because your eyes may not be on the road.  Here's lookin at ya!

Saturday, June 30, 2012


Did you ever have a period in life that it seems like you just cannot catch up?  Occasionally, life flies past at an ever increasing pace and you loose your breath attempting to catch up.  The past month has been one of those roller coaster rides that alternately takes your breath away and then scares the crap out of you. A mixture of constant surprises and surprising levels of heartache.
What helps all of us through periods like this are the relationships (support system) we have nurtured over the years.  Fortunately I have a strong support system.  When you experience heartache, for whatever reason, lean on the support you have at your side.
Make sure you constantly add to your support and make sure you support those in your group.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Thats whats wrong with Kids these days!

After reading my new Blog,  my sister-in-law commented that I sounded just like my Dad.  At this time that may not be a good thing.  My 86 year old Dad has become somewhat "negative" in his views and constantly uses the phrase "That's whats wrong with kids these days."  So my sister-in-law,  we will use Pam for her name, because her name is Pam, struck a note that made me think.  Growing up my Dad was my hero and role model.  I wanted to be like my Dad.  He is smart, talented, funny and loving even if he hid the latter most of the time.  What I hadn't planned for was the eventuality that I might  entertain some of his less desireable qualities. Never the less,  Dad is still Dad and my opinions may mirror his mood if not his thoughts.  I think that at some point in life we reach a stage where we have studied things long enough that we generate a philosophy that demands we speak our mind.  Granted some minds are sharper than others. Did I mention I always wanted to be like Dad?

Friday, June 22, 2012

Political Science

We have an election coming this November.  I wonder who really "elects" our politicians.  The machinery that controls our political system seems like black art at it's finest.  Something new that has surfaced recently are "Super Pacs".  It appears that mystery persons with tons of money to throw away are gaining more control each day.  Candidates convieniently have no connection to these groups,  but are happy to let them do the dirty work.  These groups create all manner of stupid, insulting, and childish advertisements in an attempt to discredit the preferred candidate's opponent.  Apparently, the candidate of choice has little to merit attention or has no ability to stand on his / her merits.

I have gotten a chuckle out of current campaigns.  There is an old saying that states something like "If you don't have anything good to say......just shut up"!  I for one already know most candidates are useless putzes with little incentive to actually take care of the best interests of the people they were elected to speak for.  Government by the politicians, for the politicians.  Crap,  I got a load of stuff to vent about when it comes to political science.  Maybe later.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Driving Blind

I'm pretty sure it is illegal (against the law) to text and drive, at least in Indiana.  So, I sure am glad the Auto makers are now installing miniature TV screens in their vehicles so we will not get bored with the simple task of navigating a 4000 pound vehicle at a high rate of speed amongst dozens of others that might be pre-occupied with their miniature TV screens.  We have seemingly become a population that is bored with something so mundane as driving.  Heck fire, some of us now need vehicles that can park themselves.  At least we don't have to stop looking at the TV!

I think we could just get an APP that shows us the way from point A to point B with detailed overviews of whats at that destination and then we wouldn"t even have to put down our phones to screw with a car.   I grew up in an era that enjoyed driving a car.  I still enjoy the trip from A to B.  And most of the time I can get there without TOMTOM.  Crap,  I can still park the dad gum contraption ALL BY MYSELF!!!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

China my ass

So, I'm in the shower and I happen to notice that my new shower head, the one that is attached to a hose so you can spray...... never mind.  The dad gum thing says made in CHINA. When did it become so impossible for us here in the United States to make a shower head!  We used to be a leader in manufacturing.  We created mass production for cryin out loud.  This simple little item must contain at least $3.00 worth of material and would require at least a middle school education to create. Makes me wonder why we need China to make this stuff.  I think that a fundamental problem we have is that we as Americans have become twisted in that we demand higher wages, yet are unwilling to pay for them.  By that I mean we want to purchase items at the absolute lowest cost while we demand a wage that will not allow us to be competitive in the market place.  If we do not start to change our ways,  we may need to make Chinese our second language in our schools so we can communicate with our new leaders in the future.